This study endeavored to determine the impact of the Camiguin Coastal Resource Management Project (CCRMP) three years after its conclusion in September 2014. The impact evaluation determined whether the target outcomes on coastal resource management and alternative livelihood of the CCRMP were achieved. To determine the impact and effects of the CCRMP, the evaluation focused on two interrelated aspects, namely: 1) Outcome 1 on the increase in productivity and any enhancement in the integrity of the coastal and marine resources, and 2) Outco...
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The Diversified Farm Income and Market Development Project (DFIMDP) was implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DA) in four (4) focus areas namely Region 10 (Bukidnon), Region 7 (Cebu and Negros Oriental), Region 6 (Iloilo and Panay Island), and the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) from October 1, 2004 to June 30, 2009. This was in line with the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997 which aims to modernize the Philippine agriculture towards agricultural competitiveness and increase in rural income (World Ban...
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The Cervantes-Mankayan-Abatan Road Project was contextualized within the development design under the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) for 2001-2004. The plan emphasized the goal of supporting the country’s socio-economic development through the provision of safe and reliable transport services that would support the modernization of the agriculture sector, tourism and the decongestion of Metro Manila. This was directed towards supporting the private sector and facilitating inter- and intra-island travel via networks of...
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The Light Rail Transit Line 2 (“LRT2”) Project is a 13.8-km line with 11 stations running in the east- west direction from Santolan, Pasig up to Claro M. Recto Avenue in Manila. Its objective is to provide an alternative transport system that is safe, comfortable, efficient and affordable. Line 2 was originally scheduled to be operational first quarter of Year 2001. Santolan to Cubao operations began third quarter of 2003, Cubao to Recto services, first quarter of 2004.
This Final Impact Evaluation Report presents an impact evaluation of the Rural Network Development Project (RRNDP), a road improvement project covering national secondary roads and related structures. It was implemented over the period 1991 – 2012, in three phases. The Project, financially supported by the Government of Japan (GOJ), built over a thousand km of roads in 26 provinces throughout the country.