Since 2011, the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (Peaceful and Prosperous Communities or PAMANA) program has been the Philippine government’s flagship development framework for conflict-affected areas. It was launched as part of the 2010–2016 Philippine Development Plan’s mandate to bring armed conflict to a peaceful resolution through negotiated political settlements and programs for addressing armed conflict from its roots.
The goal of the current PPAN is to improve the nutrition situation of the country as a contribution to a) the achievement of Ambisyon 2040 by improving the quality of the human resource base of the country, b) reducing inequality in human development outcomes, and c) reducing child and maternal mortality.The functions and multi-sectoral composition of the NNC are replicated at subnational levels. Regional, provincial, city, municipality, and barangay nutrition committees are organized to manage and coordinate the planning, implemen...
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The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan (MSMEDP) 2017-2022 is the sectoral plan for the growth and advancement of the MSME sector. It aims to provide greater opportunities for entrepreneurs to start up, sustain, expand, internationalize their businesses, and become smarter entrepreneurs. As an integral part of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, the MSMEDP’s vision is to achieve “more globally competitive MSMEs that are regionally integrated, resilient, sustainable, and innovative thereby performing...
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The report summarizes the findings and analysis of the impact assessment done by including unintended benefits arising from the flood-mitigating project in Butuan City. The said project is situtated at both banks of the end-section of the Agusan River titled the Lower Agusan Development Project - Flood Control Component (LADP-FCC) implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for the period of 1988 - 2007.